Formal Complaint/Grievance Process
Any complaint that is filed in regard to Miss Rodeo Wyoming pageant operations or issues must adhere to the following:
a. All complaints/grievances must be submitted in writing.
b. All complaints/grievances shall be filed within 7 (seven) days of when the significant issue is known or should have been known.
c. All complaints/grievances must be submitted with a $50 processing fee. If the grievance is substantiated the $50 fee will be refunded.
d. Complaints must include the name, address, and daytime phone number of the person filing the complaint.
e. The complaint should include as much detail about the subject as possible in order for appropriate action to be taken.
f. Complaints and processing fees may be submitted to the MRWA president and/or National Director.
Guy Warpness, MRWA President
PO Box 91
Laramie, Wy 82073
g. Complaints must be signed and dated.
h. If a response to the complaint is desired, the letter must indicate so.
i. All involved parties will be notified about the complaint and given the opportunity to provide a response.
j. Any complaints that do not follow the above process will be classified as invalid.
k. All complaints will be reviewed by the Executive Committee. Research and information will be gathered about the situation. Involved parties will be notified about the complaint and given the opportunity to provide a response. The Executive Committee will vote and determine any necessary action to be taken.